This is particularly useful for the Direct 3D tests because they are multi-threaded. In particular d3d11:d3d11 has a lot of failures and generates at least one garbled failure message per day in the WineTest results:
2022-08-31: `d3d11.c:2942: d3d11.c:6403: Test marked todo: Got unexpected hr 0x1.`
2022-08-30: `d3d11.c:1576: Test marked todo: d3d11.c:16617: Test marked todo: Feature level 0xb100: d3d11.c:1576: Test succeeded inside todo block: Format 0x5b - ...` `d3d11.c:1571: Test succeeded inside todo block: Feature level 0xa000: d3d11.c:21131: Test marked todo: Feature level 0xa100: d3d11.c:16610: Test marked todo: SHADER_SAMPLE is supported for R32G32B32A32_UINT.`
2022-08-29: `d3d11.c:1571: Test succeeded inside todo block: d3d11.c:1576: Test succeeded inside todo block: Feature level 0xb000: Got unexpected hr 0.`
2022-08-29: `d3d11.c:1576: Test succeeded inside todo block: d3d11.c:1576: Test succeeded inside todo block: Feature level 0x9100: Got unexpected hr 0.`
2022-08-28: `d3d11.c:1576: Test succeeded inside todo block: Feature level 0xa100: d3d11.c:1571: Test succeeded inside todo block: Feature level 0xb000: Got unexpected hr 0.`
2022-08-28: `d3d11.c:5791: Test marked todo: d3d11.c:6403: Test marked todo: Got unexpected hr 0x1.`