Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/windows.networking.connectivity/network_information.c:
static HRESULT WINAPI connection_profile_GetNetworkConnectivityLevel( IConnectionProfile *iface, NetworkConnectivityLevel *value ) {
- FIXME( "iface %p, value %p stub!\n", iface, value );
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- struct connection_profile *impl = impl_from_IConnectionProfile( iface );
- TRACE( "iface %p, value %p\n", iface, value );
- if (!value) return E_POINTER;
- if (FAILED(hr = get_connectivity_level( &impl->network_connectivity_level ))) return hr;
- *value = impl->network_connectivity_level;
Do we even need to keep a `NetworkConnectivityLevel` field then? Maybe it would actually be better to keep the `INetworkListManager` pointer instead, call `INetworkListManager_GetConnectivity` and do the mapping here? That would avoid having to re-create an instance every time?