Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/windows.media.speech/tests/speech.c:
* TODO: Use a loopback device together with prerecorded audio files to test the recognizer's functionality. */
- hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StopAsync(session, &action2);
- todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_StopAsync failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
- hr = ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_PauseAsync(session, &action2);
- ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechContinuousRecognitionSession_PauseAsync failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
- await_async_void(action2, &action_handler);
- check_async_info((IInspectable *)action2, 3, Completed, S_OK);
- IAsyncAction_Release(action2);
- recog_state = 0xdeadbeef;
- hr = ISpeechRecognizer2_get_State(recognizer2, &recog_state);
- ok(hr == S_OK, "ISpeechRecognizer2_get_State failed, hr %#lx.\n", hr);
- ok(recog_state == SpeechRecognizerState_Paused || /* Broken on Win10 1507 */
broken(recog_state == SpeechRecognizerState_Capturing) , "recog_state was %u.\n", recog_state);
Too many indents.
```suggestion:-1+0 ok(recog_state == SpeechRecognizerState_Paused || broken(recog_state == SpeechRecognizerState_Capturing) /* Win10 1507 */, "recog_state was %u.\n", recog_state); ```