# W.I.P
Code for parsing AUTOEXEC.BAT for environment variables was originally added in Windows NT 4.0. It's primary purpose was to make it so that Win32-based apps originally designed for Windows 9x that set environment variables using the file (as many did) would still work properly under NT. However, despite the fact that the last release of Windows 9x came out over 25 years ago, the feature still remains in Windows to this day. As is indicated by the period the feature was introduced during, it's mostly useful for running legacy software from around the time of the 9x to NT transition, but since it was never removed it's entirely possible that some newer software makes use of it as well. The feature is also toggleable using the ParseAutoexec value in the HCKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon registry key.
Note that this feature is entirely unrelated to the AUTOEXEC.NT file intended for use with NTVDM.
* [x] Add ParseAutoexec value to wine.inf. * [x] Write code to check ParseAutoexec value. * [x] Write code to parse Autoexec.bat for environment variables. * [ ] Add code to concatenate the path to NTDLL.
-- v2: ntdll: Added autoexec.bat parsing code and ParseAutoexec value check. [1/2] wine.inf: add ParseAutoexec to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon