On Fri Aug 2 19:45:50 2024 +0000, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
This patch aims to implement IEParseDisplayNameWithBCW() which is an existing dependency that shell32 calls. The tests pass on XP where this export exists, and the implementation in this MR was created on the observed results of these tests . I.e. this MR implements an existing API that currently being called by shell32, and doesn't introduce anything new. Investigating what shell32 does is far beyond this MR, and putting burden on me to do that is not a fair move IMO.
That's not what you previously stated:
Wine's dlls/shell32 uses IEParseDisplayNameWithBCW() to parse desktop pidls and the application that I was working on failed because of it.
Anyway, I'm not an expert on shell32, it was blocked on me because of an old assumption that shdocvw is related to WebBrowser control. I gave you my opinion, but the MR doesn't need my approval and I removed myself as a reviewer to not block it.