On Wed Jul 13 18:57:44 2022 +0000, Claire wrote:
Oh, makes sense, I hadn't noticed the other envs skipped it. I added `broken` calls, but I can probably simplify the tests by just calling the widechar variant of the function if you prefer. I'm not sure how much sense replicating Windows' broken behavior would make, and the games I've seen actually use it use the widechar variant.
I tried it on Windows, and even with default drivers for generic devices, calling `SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA` with `SPDRP_BASE_CONTAINERID` returns a WCHAR string. So I decided to rewrite the tests to use `SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW` as this is more representative of what games actually use, and Windows' behavior for `SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA` does not make much sense. I have not tried to match Windows' behavior for it as I doubt any app would call that variant and expect a WCHAR string.