Esme Povirk (@madewokherd) commented about dlls/scrrun/filesystem.c:
lstrcatW(dst_path, filename);
TRACE("move %s to %s\n", debugstr_w(source), debugstr_w(dst_path));
return MoveFileW(source, dst_path) ? S_OK : create_error(GetLastError());
- if (destination[len-1] == '\' || destination[len-1] == '/')
separator = TRUE;
- if (!wildcard && !separator) {
}return MoveFileW(source, destination) ? S_OK : create_error(GetLastError());
- return MoveFileW(source, destination) ? S_OK : create_error(GetLastError());
- f = FindFirstFileW(source, &ffd);
return create_error(GetLastError());
- do {
This loop doesn't seem to check for non-directories. I'm curious what happens if some non-directories match the wildcard.