Zebediah Figura (@zfigura) commented about libs/vkd3d-shader/hlsl.h:
struct hlsl_ir_var *return_var;
- struct vkd3d_shader_location loc;
- /* Item entry in hlsl_ir_function.overloads. The paremeters' types are used as key. */ struct rb_entry entry;
- /* Function to which this declaration corresponds. */ struct hlsl_ir_function *func;
- /* List containing one variable for each parameter of the function; linked by the
struct list *parameters;* hlsl_ir_var.param_entry fields. */
- struct hlsl_block body; bool has_body;
- /* Array of attributes (like earlydepthstencil) specified just before the function declaration.
* Not to be confused with the function parameters! */
Or [numthreads], which is the only one we actually implement :D