On Fri Dec 9 01:07:35 2022 +0000, Santino Mazza wrote:
Sorry. I found that the about:blank page in windows has 4 elements and in wine it has 3, when I enumerated all of them I found that it has HTML, HEAD, TITLE and BODY elements, I'm working in some tests, do I have to test for each element inside of about:blank or by just testing for the amount of elements it's fine?
Note that the file that you modify is not used by about:blank protocol handler. See `AboutProtocol_Start` for how about: protocol works. Essentially, about:blank is always just '<HTML></HTML>' and we have tests for that. I guess that what you observe is a difference between how Gecko and IE handles absence <head> and <body> elements. Maybe IE adds implicit <title> in this case or something along those lines.