Gabriel Ivăncescu (@insn) commented about dlls/mshtml/mutation.c:
- struct mutation_observer_ctor *This = mutation_observer_ctor_from_DispatchEx(dispex);
- VARIANT *callback;
- IWineMSHTMLMutationObserver *mutation_observer;
- HRESULT hres;
- int argc = params->cArgs - params->cNamedArgs;
- TRACE("(%p)->(%lx %x %p %p %p %p)\n", This, lcid, flags, params, res, ei, caller);
- if (argc < 1)
- if (!res) {
/* This function has no side effects if the return value is dropped. */
return S_OK;
- }
Are you sure this should be checked *before* validating `callback`? What happens if you write (in tests):
```jscript MutationObserver(42); ```