Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/windows.applicationmodel/tests/model.c:
todo_wine win_skip( "%s runtimeclass not registered, skipping tests.\n", wine_dbgstr_w( statics_name ) ); return;
check_interface( factory, &IID_IUnknown ); check_interface( factory, &IID_IInspectable );
check_interface( factory, &IID_IAgileObject );
check_interface_optional( factory, &IID_IAgileObject, FALSE );
{ hr = IActivationFactory_ActivateInstance( factory, (IInspectable **)&manager ); ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx.\n", hr );
The todo_wine won't protect against crashes with NULL manager. You need to do something like that instead:
```suggestion:-3+0 hr = IActivationFactory_ActivateInstance( factory, (IInspectable **)&manager ); todo_wine ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx.\n", hr ); if (hr != S_OK) goto skip_manager; ```