Nikolay Sivov (@nsivov) commented about dlls/mfmediaengine/main.c:
media_engine_unlock_d3d_device(engine, device); memcpy(&subtype, &MFVideoFormat_Base, sizeof(subtype));
- if (!(subtype.Data1 = MFMapDXGIFormatToDX9Format(output_format)))
- while (!(subtype.Data1 = MFMapDXGIFormatToDX9Format(output_format))) {
WARN("Unrecognized output format %#x.\n", output_format);
return E_FAIL;
FIXME("Output format %#x cannot be converted to DX9, using DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM as fallback.\n", output_format);
}output_format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
Does this work if device was created without D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT? And then again, why bother with specified format at all, if we can always use BGRA.