Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about include/windows.ui.viewmanagement.idl:
[eventremove] HRESULT ColorValuesChanged([in] EventRegistrationToken cookie); }
- [contract(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 4.0)]
- [exclusiveto(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings)]
- [uuid(52bb3002-919b-4d6b-9b78-8dd66ff4b93b)]
- interface IUISettings4 : IInspectable
- {
[propget] HRESULT AdvancedEffectsEnabled([out, retval] boolean* value);
[eventadd] HRESULT AdvancedEffectsEnabledChanged([in] Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings*, IInspectable*>* handler,
[out, retval] EventRegistrationToken* cookie);
[eventremove] HRESULT AdvancedEffectsEnabledChanged([in] EventRegistrationToken cookie);
- }
Maybe `IUISettings` should indeed be returned instead of `IUISettings3` by default as it's the default interface, but other than that I don't think it is necessary to add any other iterface, or even declare them, if no application cares about them.