Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/win32u/winstation.c:
- struct shared_session *session;
- BOOL valid = TRUE;
- TRACE( "tid %04x, type %u\n", tid, type );
- memset( info, 0, sizeof(*info) );
- info->index = -1;
- while ((session = get_shared_session( !valid )))
- {
info->session_id = session->id;
if ((info->index = get_thread_session_object_index( tid, type, &info->id )) == -1) break;
if ((valid = info->index < session->object_capacity)) break;
shared_session_release( session );
- }
We have an out-of-bounds `info->index` left here. If the next iteration's `get_shared_session()` fails, we won't be able to detect this condition; instead, we will return the invalid index (as well as a NULL session) as-is to the caller.
To avoid this, ensure `info->index` is set to the sentinel when the while condition fails...
```suggestion:-1+0 shared_session_release( session ); info->index = -1; } ```