Tuomas Räsänen (@tuomasjjrasanen) commented about dlls/winebus.sys/main.c:
DWORD size; if (check_bus_option(L"DisableHidraw", FALSE)) return FALSE;
if (usages->UsagePage != HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC) return TRUE;
if (usages->Usage != HID_USAGE_GENERIC_GAMEPAD && usages->Usage != HID_USAGE_GENERIC_JOYSTICK) return TRUE;
if (!check_bus_option(L"Enable SDL", 1) && check_bus_option(L"DisableInput", 0))
Actually, does this mean that hidraw is now preferred for keyboard and mice regardless of DisableInput bus option?
My understanding is that DisableInput=0 means that evdev is used which needs event devices, so doesn't this cause event devices to be removed for all other hardware devices than gamepads and joysticks?