On Sat Nov 18 00:34:32 2023 +0000, Etaash Mathamsetty wrote:
wouldn't you have to increase the wineserver protocol version when making a change like this, or do you not have to?
Version bumping is done automatically by `make_requests`. Auto-generated changes should not be a part of a patch proposed for upstream.[^1] [^2]
[^1]: [Wineserver § Help to create a server request](https://wiki.winehq.org/Wineserver#Help_to_create_a_server_request), WineHQ wiki: "As with all generated files, the files generated by make_requests shouldn't be included in your patch. [^2]: [Re: [PATCH] server: Allow skipping debug handle retrieval in get_process_debug_info.](https://www.winehq.org/mailman3/hyperkitty/list/wine-devel@winehq.org/messag...), wine-devel Mailing List Archives: "Also, we do not include automatically generated changes (make_requests) in the patches, they are generated during upstream commit."