On Sun Aug 13 14:26:17 2023 +0000, Loïc Rebmeister wrote:
Any news? @dropbear has been working on maintaining the patch for multiples weeks now without any interaction. It would be great if there was some feedback at some point to what will happens to this patch. The longer it takes for to review patches, the more of @dropbear time will be used on maintaining old patch instead of trying to make new one to improve WineHQ. (I don't say patches have to be merged, just to not waste precious wine contributors time so Wine can move forward faster)
* Of the last 1000 merged commits, only about 11 have focused on ws2_32 (4 that didn't only add/modify tests). Maintaining the patch is thus not hard. I haven't had to make any code changes other than resolving merge conflicts since it's been approved; all of the tests still pass. * Since this patch took so long to get into a mergeable state, it's probably not as high up on the list of patches to be merged, although I obviously don't know Mr. Julliard's workflow. * I'm not able to devote too much time to Wine at the moment, so my time isn't being "wasted", per se, not that it would be even if I could given the low maintenance requirement of this patch.