Zebediah Figura (@zfigura) commented about dlls/ntoskrnl.exe/sync.c:
EnterCriticalSection( &sync_cs );
- if ((ret = timer->Header.Inserted))
ret = timer->Header.Inserted; timer->Header.Inserted = TRUE;
timer->Header.SignalState = FALSE;
if (timer->Header.WaitListHead.Blink && !*((ULONG_PTR *)&timer->Header.WaitListHead.Flink))
timer->Header.WaitListHead.Blink = NULL;
if (!timer->TimerListEntry.Blink) timer->TimerListEntry.Blink = (void *)CreateThreadpoolTimer(ke_timer_complete_proc, timer, NULL);
I'm a bit concerned about this change, because my assumption—although I never tried to validate it—is that KeSetTimerEx() should probably act as a fence, i.e. it shouldn't be possible for an earlier callback to execute simultaneously or after it's returned. In this case that could result in a non-periodic DPC executing twice, which seems dangerous.