On Wed Nov 9 23:12:17 2022 +0000, Connor McAdams wrote:
![3955d6b06868548df116124fdc4ce119255524a1-1](/uploads/b8b3e4df363352983130fe522b255632/3955d6b06868548df116124fdc4ce119255524a1-1.jpeg) For a visual example. Let's say you start at node 5, and your current view condition is the control view. In the control view, 3 is a sibling of 5. So, to get 5's sibling:
- Navigate upwards.
- Confirm that the parent doesn't match the view condition, or else it'd
be the parent of node 5 and therefore node 5 would have no more siblings.
- If it doesn't match the view condition, get its sibling and return.
The actual view condition for this function is only relevant to make sure that the parent we navigate to isn't a parent to the node we're trying to get a sibling for.