Bernhard K��lbl (@besentv) commented about dlls/windows.devices.enumeration/event_handlers.c:
+HRESULT typed_event_handlers_append(struct list *list, ITypedEventHandler_IInspectable_IInspectable *handler, EventRegistrationToken *token) +{
- struct typed_event_handler_entry *entry;
- if (!(entry = calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- ITypedEventHandler_IInspectable_IInspectable_AddRef((entry->handler = handler));
- EnterCriticalSection(&handlers_cs);
- *token = entry->token = next_token;
- next_token.value++;
- list_add_tail(list, &entry->entry);
- LeaveCriticalSection(&handlers_cs);
A nice to have thing would be to format function calls with spaces after the opening ( and before the closing ). Instead of `Foo(bar, baz)` do `Foo( bar, baz )`. That's a coding style me and R��mi kinda agreed on. I just didn't use it for speech, because most parts were already done in the other style. Since you're adding "new" code anyway, it would be the perfect opportunity to do so,