Giovanni Mascellani (@giomasce) commented about dlls/sapi/token.c:
- if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
- if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance( &clsid, outer, class_context, &IID_IUnknown, (void **)&unk )))
return hr;
- if (SUCCEEDED(IUnknown_QueryInterface( unk, &IID_ISpObjectWithToken, (void **)&obj_token_iface )))
- {
if (FAILED(hr = ISpObjectWithToken_SetObjectToken( obj_token_iface, iface )))
goto done;
- }
- hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface( unk, riid, object );
- IUnknown_Release( unk );
Maybe there is some COM subtlety I don't know, but can't you directly query `ISpObjectWithToken` from `CoCreateInstance()`? Or is it intentional that `CreateInstance()` should still succeed when creating something that doesn't implement `ISpObjectWithToken`?
Also, it seems that in the happy path you call `QueryInstance()` twice and `Release()` only once, which would mean that you return a pointer with refcount 2. I don't think that's intended?