Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/jscript/tests/api.js:
tmp = Object.prototype.valueOf.call(nullDisp); ok(tmp === nullDisp, "nullDisp.valueOf != nullDisp");
+(function(global) {
- var i, code = "this.foobar = 1234";
- function context() {}
- var direct = [
function() { eval(code); },
function() { (eval)(code); },
function() { (function(eval) { eval(code); }).call(this, eval); },
function() { eval("eval(" + code + ")"); }
- ];
- for(i = 0; i < direct.length; i++) {
ok(!("foobar" in context), "direct[" + i + "] has foobar");
Is there any reason to use a function for the context? Could we just use something like `context = {};` here and not have to worry about cleaning it?