Bernhard K��lbl (@besentv) commented about dlls/windows.devices.enumeration/tests/devices.c:
- ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- hr = WindowsCreateString( device_info_name, wcslen( device_info_name ), &str );
- ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- hr = RoGetActivationFactory( str, &IID_IActivationFactory, (void **)&factory );
- ok( hr == S_OK || broken( hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG ), "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- WindowsDeleteString( str );
- if ( hr == REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG )
- {
win_skip( "%s runtimeclass, not registered.\n", wine_dbgstr_w( device_info_name ) );
- }
- hr = IActivationFactory_QueryInterface( factory, &IID_IInspectable, (void **)&inspectable );
- ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- check_optional_interface( factory, &IID_IAgileObject, FALSE );
Just tested this. Needs to be `check_interface`.