Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/bluetoothapis/tests/sdp.c:
- ok( ret == error, "Expected BluetoothSdpGetElementData to return %ld, got %ld.\n", error, ret );
- if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS)
- {
ok( result.type == sdp_data->type, "Expected SDP_TYPE %s, got %s.\n",
debugstr_SDP_TYPE( sdp_data->type ), debugstr_SDP_TYPE( result.type ) );
ok( result.specificType == sdp_data->specificType,
"Expected SDP_SPECIFIC_TYPE %s, got %s.\n",
debugstr_SDP_SPECIFIC_TYPE( sdp_data->specificType ),
debugstr_SDP_SPECIFIC_TYPE( result.specificType ) );
ok( !memcmp( &sdp_data->data, &result.data, sizeof( result.data ) ), "Expected %s, got %s.\n",
debugstr_SDP_ELEMENT_DATA( sdp_data ), debugstr_SDP_ELEMENT_DATA( &result ) );
- }
+#define TEST_CASE_NAME( n ) ("%s %d"), __func__, (int)(n)
Similarly, it is often a good idea to keep the test context as short as possible. It's being added to every todo line, and quickly adds up to the output size failure threshold.