Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about server/window.c:
if (win->paint_flags & PAINT_HAS_PIXEL_FORMAT) update_pixel_format_flags( win ); win->monitor_dpi = req->monitor_dpi;
- old_client = win->client_rect;
- orig_style = win->style; set_window_pos( win, previous, flags, &window_rect, &client_rect, &visible_rect, &surface_rect, &valid_rect );
- if ((win->style & orig_style & WS_VISIBLE) && memcmp( &old_client, &win->client_rect, sizeof(old_client) ))
Do we actually need to check whether client rect has been moved? What if both the window and client rects are moved at the same time, compensating eachother and causing the client rect to stay at the same place, will that skip the WM_MOUSEMOVE?