Bernhard K��lbl (@besentv) commented about dlls/windows.devices.enumeration/tests/devices.c:
- check_optional_interface( factory, &IID_IAgileObject, FALSE );
- hr = IActivationFactory_QueryInterface( factory, &IID_IDeviceInformationStatics2, (void **)&device_info_statics2 );
- ok( hr == S_OK || broken( hr == E_NOINTERFACE ), "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- IActivationFactory_Release( factory );
- if (FAILED( hr ))
- {
win_skip( "IDeviceInformationStatics2 not supported.\n" );
goto skip_device_statics2;
- }
- hr = IDeviceInformationStatics2_QueryInterface( device_info_statics2, &IID_IInspectable, (void **)&inspectable2 );
- ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx\n", hr );
- ok( inspectable == inspectable2, "got inspectable %p, inspectable2 %p\n", inspectable, inspectable2 );
- hr = IDeviceInformationStatics2_CreateWatcherWithKindAqsFilterAndAdditionalProperties(
Maybe you could do a redefine for this one to: IDeviceInformationStatics2_CreateWatcher() and put all arguments in the same line.