GCC always assembles `jmp 1f` to `eb 01`, as does Clang when using -O1 or higher optimization. But with -O0, Clang outputs `e9 01 00 00 00`.
The `subq $0xb,0x70(%rcx)` line in __wine_syscall_dispatcher relies on `jmp 1f` being 2 bytes.
Since Wine defaults to `-g -O2` for `CFLAGS`, this wouldn't show up with a default Clang build. But the FreeBSD `wine-devel` port must override `CFLAGS`, it uses Clang for PE and was crashing on launch. See https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=280000.
Here are compiler explorer links to see the difference: [PE](https://godbolt.org/z/35TxW8dK9) and [ELF](https://godbolt.org/z/1h3j4c4ja). Adding -O1 to the clang side will make them equivalent.
I may also report this as an LLVM bug, it doesn't seem like there's any reason why Clang would prefer the long form at `-O0`.