Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about configure.ac:
WINE_PACKAGE_FLAGS(XKBREGISTRY,[xkbregistry],,,, [AC_CHECK_HEADERS([xkbcommon/xkbregistry.h]) AC_CHECK_LIB(xkbregistry,rxkb_context_new,[:],[XKBREGISTRY_LIBS=""],[$XKBREGISTRY_LIBS])])
- if test "x$with_opengl" != "xno"
- then
I'm not sure if we need to support the case where the library is installed in an unusual place.
When using pkg-config, I expect that the module should then use EGL_CFLAGS, to be able to include that header if the flags contain additional include paths, and it's not the case here.
The same actually goes for the EGL_SONAME, if pkg-config somehow locates the library in an unusual place, whether it then would still work at runtime is unclear.