I'm unsure how to add tests for this given it requires an app to be installed via MSIX to get a package ID in Windows otherwise `IPackageStatics::get_Current()` returns `0x80073d54`.
-- v3: windows.applicationmodel: Implement IStorageItem::get_Path(). windows.applicationmodel/tests: Add IStorageItem::get_Path() tests. windows.applicationmodel: Add IStorageItem stub interface. windows.applicationmodel: Implement IPackage::get_InstalledLocation(). include: Add IStorageFolder interface definition. include: Add file. include: Add IStorageItem interface definition. include: Add file. include: Add IStorageFile interface definition. include: Add IRandomAccessStream interface definition. windows.applicationmodel: Implement IPackageStatics::get_Current(). windows.applicationmodel: Add IPackageStatics stub interface. include: Add IPackageStatics interface definition. windows.applicationmodel: Add stub DLL.