Giovanni Mascellani (@giomasce) commented about libs/vkd3d-shader/hlsl.h:
- /* Linked list entry to store this hlsl_type in the context's linked list of hlsl_types. */ struct list entry;
- /* Search tree entry to store this hlsl_type in the context's search tree of types. The type's
struct rb_entry scope_entry;* name is used as key. */
- /* These fields indicate to which category of hlsl_types this hlsl_type belongs.
* If type is HLSL_CLASS_OBJECT, base_type is used to indicate a subcategory of the type.
* If type is numeric, base_type is used to indicate the type of its components.
enum hlsl_type_class type; enum hlsl_base_type base_type;* base_type is not used when type is HLSL_CLASS_STRUCT or HLSL_CLASS_ARRAY. */
- /* Sampling dimension of the hlsl_type, in case it is a resource type, e.g. a texture or
enum hlsl_sampler_dim sampler_dim;* sampler. */
- /* String buffer with the name of the hlsl_type. */ const char *name;
That seems to be quite obvious.