Jeffrey Smith (@whydoubt) commented about dlls/gdiplus/tests/pathiterator.c:
- result = start = end = (INT)0xdeadbeef;
- closed = TRUE;
- stat = GdipPathIterNextSubpath(iter, &result, &start, &end, &closed);
- expect(Ok, stat);
- expect(13, result);
- expect(6, start);
- expect(18, end);
- expect(TRUE, closed);
- /* When subPath is set to Ellipse figure, the type is PathPointTypeBezier */
- stat = GdipPathIterNextPathType(iter, &result, &type, &start, &end);
- expect(Ok, stat);
- expect(6, start);
- expect(18, end);
- expect(PathPointTypeBezier, type);
- expect(13, result);
- Seems more consistent to check these in the order: result, type, start, end. - You didn't initialize those values before the call.