v13: - keep focus on explorer browser to be able to `Backspace` multiple times - back/forward/up/refresh buttons don't actually take focus on Windows, we do, that means when user focuses address edit, clicking down (but not up) on the back/forward/up/refresh button still keeps address edit focused, workaround this by sending Go Up command on Backspace when these buttons are focused - use path word break in address edit - allows to use `Ctrl` + `Left Arrow` and `Ctrl` + `Right Arrow` to jump between path components - depends on !1977 - add `Ctrl` + `Backspace` delete word in address edit - enable visual styles before showing dialog - some applications don't request comctl32 version 6, resulting in half-broken navigation bar, e.g. [qapitrace](https://github.com/apitrace/apitrace) - depends on !2068