Zhiyi Zhang (@zhiyi) commented about dlls/wintypes/tests/propertyset.c:
- todo_wine ok( SUCCEEDED( hr ), "QueryInterface failed, got %#lx\n", hr );
- if (map)
- {
hr = IMap_HSTRING_IInspectable_QueryInterface( map, &IID_IIterable_IKeyValuePair_HSTRING_IInspectable,
(void **)&iterable );
todo_wine ok( SUCCEEDED( hr ), "QueryInterface failed, got %#lx\n", hr );
if (SUCCEEDED( hr ))
hr = IIterable_IKeyValuePair_HSTRING_IInspectable_First( iterable, &iterator );
todo_wine ok( SUCCEEDED( hr ), "got %#lx\n", hr );
if (SUCCEEDED( hr ))
IIterator_IKeyValuePair_HSTRING_IInspectable_Release( iterator );
IIterable_IKeyValuePair_HSTRING_IInspectable_Release( iterable );
Add curly braces for the else branch if one of the branches has them.