Esme Povirk (@madewokherd) commented about dlls/uiautomationcore/tests/uiautomation.c:
+#define test_provider_event_advise_added( prov, event_id, todo) \
test_provider_event_advise_added_( (prov), (event_id), (todo), __FILE__, __LINE__)
+static void test_provider_event_advise_added_(struct Provider *prov, int event_id, BOOL todo, const char *file, int line) +{
- todo_wine_if (todo) ok_(file, line)(prov->advise_events_added_event_id == event_id, "%s: Unexpected advise event added, event ID %d.\n",
prov->prov_name, prov->advise_events_added_event_id);
I think it would be simpler to leave out the `todo` argument and call the function with `todo_wine` instead.