Zebediah Figura (@zfigura) commented about dlls/ddraw/device.c:
- /* append all the vertices to the buffer */
- memcpy(device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_vertices + device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_vertex_count * stride, vertices, vertex_count * stride);
- TRACE_(ddraw_perf)("vertex count %lu stride %d buffer_vertex_count %05lu buffer_indice_count %05lu\n", vertex_count, stride,
device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_vertex_count, device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_indice_count);
- /* Create the index */
- if (primitive_type == D3DPT_TRIANGLEFAN) goto fan;
- if (primitive_type == D3DPT_POINTLIST) goto points;
- FIXME("primitive_type %#x not supported\n", primitive_type);
- goto done;
- for (int idx = 0; idx < vertex_count; idx ++) {
device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_indices[device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_indice_count++] = device->ddraw_device_buffer.buffer_vertex_count++;
- }
"unsigned int", and the iterator needs to be declared outside the loop (some compilers we target can't handle iterators declared inside the loop).