Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/ntdll/tests/exception.c:
- DWORD call_brk[] =
- {
0xa9bf7bfd, /* 00: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! */
0x910003fd, /* 04: mov x29, sp */
0x00000000, /* 08: <filled in later> */
0xd503201f, /* 0c: nop */
0xa8c17bfd, /* 10: ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 */
0xd65f03c0, /* 14: ret */
- };
- /* brk #0xf000 is tested as part of breakpoint tests */
- brk_exception_handler_code = STATUS_ASSERTION_FAILURE;
- call_brk[2] = 0xd43e0020; /* 08: brk #0xf001 */
- run_exception_test( brk_exception_handler, NULL, call_brk,
Missing `todo_wine`s.
(Yes, I know approximately no one runs aarch64 tests. Still, it'd be a shame to have un-bisectable test commits.)