Elizabeth Figura (@zfigura) commented about include/d3d9on12.idl:
+} D3D9ON12_ARGS;
+typedef IDirect3D9 * (__stdcall *PFN_Direct3DCreate9On12)(UINT sdk_version, D3D9ON12_ARGS *override_list, UINT override_entries); +IDirect3D9 * __stdcall Direct3DCreate9On12(UINT,D3D9ON12_ARGS *,UINT);
+typedef struct IDirect3DDevice9On12 *LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9ON12, *PDIRECT3DDEVICE9ON12;
- local,
- uuid(e7fda234-b589-4049-940d-8878977531c8)
+] +interface IDirect3DDevice9On12 : IUnknown +{
- HRESULT GetD3D12Device (REFIID riid, void **out);
- HRESULT UnwrapUnderlyingResource (IDirect3DResource9 *resource, ID3D12CommandQueue *queue, REFIID riid, void **out);
- HRESULT ReturnUnderlyingResource (IDirect3DResource9 *resource, UINT num_sync, UINT64 *signal_values, ID3D12Fence **fences);
As long as we're here, can you please remove the space between the function name and opening parenthesis?