Zebediah Figura (@zfigura) commented about dlls/wmvcore/tests/wmvcore.c:
- VIDEOINFOHEADER vih = vih_wmv1;
- WM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = mt_wmv1;
- mt.pbFormat = (BYTE *)&vih;
- hr = WMCreateSyncReader(NULL, 0, &reader);
- ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
- IWMSyncReader_QueryInterface(reader, &IID_IWMProfile, (void **)&profile);
- hr = IWMSyncReader_Open(reader, filename);
- ok(hr == S_OK, "Got hr %#lx.\n", hr);
- if (winetest_platform_is_wine)
- {
todo_wine ok(0, "dwBitRate is not implemented\n");
vih.dwBitRate = 0;
- }
This test doesn't make any sense. If it's that the type we return is correct except for the bit rate, then let's just put a todo_wine on that statement. Or, if we want to be a bit stronger, we can do something like
``` /* We don't return the correct bit rate, but we still want to make sure * that regressions in other fields aren't hidden by a todo_wine. */ todo_wine ok(mt->dwBitRate == expect->dwBitRate); mt->dwBitRate = expect->dwBitRate; ```