Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/ntdll/heap.c:
- ULONG affinity = heap_current_thread_affinity();
- struct block *block;
- struct group *group;
- /* acquire a group, the thread will own it and no other thread can clear free bits.
* some other thread might still set the free bits if they are freeing blocks.
- if (!(group = heap_acquire_bin_group( heap, flags, block_size, bin ))) return NULL;
- group->affinity = affinity;
- /* serialize with heap_free_block_lfh: atomically set GROUP_FLAG_FREE when the free bits are all 0. */
- if (group_find_free_block( group, block_size, &block ))
InterlockedAnd( &group->free_bits, ~GROUP_FLAG_FREE );
- else
InterlockedCompareExchange( &group->free_bits, GROUP_FLAG_FREE, 0 );
This is correct but a little hard to verify. Multiple isolated atomic operations update the same variable `free_bits` in sequence, and they can be concurrently interleaved with accesses from other threads. Verifying their correctness requires knowledge of _partial_ ownership, that all set (1) bits in `free_bits` are owned by `find_free_bin_block` (i.e. cannot be transitioned by `InterlockedOr`) while all unset (0) bits in `free_bits` are owned by `heap_free_block_lfh` (i.e. can be transitioned by `InterlockedOr`).
Instead, how about merging all four atomic operations into one like this?
```c /* look up and acquire a free block using the group free_bits */ static inline LONG group_find_free_block( struct group *group, SIZE_T block_size, struct block **block ) { ULONG i; LONG old_free_bits, new_free_bits, prev_free_bits;
prev_free_bits = ReadNoFence( &group->free_bits ); do { old_free_bits = prev_free_bits;
/* unset the least set bit */ new_free_bits = old_free_bits & (old_free_bits - 1);
/* set GROUP_FLAG_FREE if and only if other bits are 0. */ new_free_bits &= ~GROUP_FLAG_FREE; if (new_free_bits == 0) new_free_bits = GROUP_FLAG_FREE;
prev_free_bits = InterlockedCompareExchange( &group->free_bits, new_free_bits, old_free_bits ); } while (prev_free_bits != old_free_bits);
if (BitScanForward( &i, old_free_bits & ~GROUP_FLAG_FREE )) *block = group_get_block( group, block_size, i ); else *block = NULL; /* heap corrupted */
return new_free_bits; } ```