Zhiyi Zhang (@zhiyi) commented about dlls/win32u/sysparams.c:
if ((!devname || !devname->Length) && !devmode) { ret = user_driver->pChangeDisplaySettingsEx( NULL, NULL, hwnd, flags, lparam );
ERR( "Restoring all displays to their registry settings returned %d.\n", ret );
if (ret != E_NOTIMPL)
if (ret) ERR( "Restoring all displays to their registry settings returned %d.\n", ret );
return ret;
for (i = 0; !NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( NULL, i, &info, 0 ); ++i)
RtlInitUnicodeString( &str, info.DeviceName );
if ((ret = NtUserChangeDisplaySettings( &str, NULL, hwnd, flags, lparam ))) break;
I don't like the way the nulldrv display settings handler code is mixing with the normal code path. You should place nulldrv's ChangeDisplaySettings implementation in nulldrv_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(), even at the expense of code duplication. Same for the force parameter in update_display_cache(). There should be a nulldrv_UpdateDisplayDevices that always succeeds. Then you don't need to check E_NOTIMPL everywhere. Same for below.