Zhiyi Zhang (@zhiyi) commented about dlls/comctl32/comctl32.h:
+extern COMCTL32_SysColor comctl32_color;
/* Internal function */ -HWND COMCTL32_CreateToolTip (HWND) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -void COMCTL32_DrawStatusText(HDC hdc, LPCRECT lprc, LPCWSTR text, UINT style, BOOL draw_background) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -VOID COMCTL32_RefreshSysColors(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -void COMCTL32_DrawInsertMark(HDC hDC, const RECT *lpRect, COLORREF clrInsertMark, BOOL bHorizontal) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -void COMCTL32_EnsureBitmapSize(HBITMAP *pBitmap, int cxMinWidth, int cyMinHeight, COLORREF crBackground) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -void COMCTL32_GetFontMetrics(HFONT hFont, TEXTMETRICW *ptm) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -BOOL COMCTL32_IsReflectedMessage(UINT uMsg) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -INT Str_GetPtrWtoA (LPCWSTR lpSrc, LPSTR lpDest, INT nMaxLen) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -INT Str_GetPtrAtoW (LPCSTR lpSrc, LPWSTR lpDest, INT nMaxLen) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -BOOL Str_SetPtrAtoW (LPWSTR *lppDest, LPCSTR lpSrc) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -BOOL Str_SetPtrWtoA (LPSTR *lppDest, LPCWSTR lpSrc) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; -BOOL imagelist_has_alpha(HIMAGELIST, UINT) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; +HWND COMCTL32_CreateToolTip (HWND);
Looks good to me. Let's remove the space between the function name and parentheses while you're at it.