On Mon Oct 9 01:31:50 2023 +0000, Louis Lenders wrote:
Hi Zhiyi, Testing that those functions can be loaded by ordinal also involves adding tests for those functions I suppose, and I really never looked into this dll. So I'm quite sure this would take me a lot of time, which atm I don't have. Would you mind taking over this merge request, as you know what all these functions really do?
Hi Louis,
Something like the following should be enough.
``` proc = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("uxtheme.dll"), MAKEINTRESOURCEA(47)); ok(proc == (void *)pDrawThemeBackgroundEx, "Expected DrawThemeBackgroundEx() at ordinal 47.\n");
You can add an array of ordinals and function names and compare the function pointers from GetProcAddress(). If you have trouble with that, feel free to assign it to me.