On Tue May 2 15:04:17 2023 +0000, Rémi Bernon wrote:
HRESULT __stdcall CreateHrtfApo([in] const HrtfApoInit *init, [out] IXAPO **xapo); [ object, uuid(15b3cd66-e9de-4464-b6e6-2bc3cf63d455) ] interface IXAPOHrtfParameters : IUnknown { HRESULT SetSourcePosition([in] const HrtfPosition *position); HRESULT SetSourceOrientation([in] const HrtfOrientation *orientation); HRESULT SetSourceGain([in] float gain); HRESULT SetEnvironment([in] HrtfEnvironment environment); }
I don't really know how much this matters, but the SDK header has `_In_` / `_COM_Outptr_`. There's no public IDL to compare to, but I think we could add the attributes there as well. Note that you only really need the `CreateHrtfApo` function for your stub, so this is a bit superfluous (though alright given that the header is small).
Nvm I missed Zeb comments above. I guess that's solved.