Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/mshtml/task.c:
* for each event later on to what it's supposed to be (most notably, XHR's readyState).
* So unfortunately we have to hardcode and snapshot the XHR state for async events...
* While queuing an event this way would not work correctly with their default behavior
* in Gecko (preventDefault() can't be called because we need to *delay* the default,
* rather than prevent it completely), Gecko does suppress events reaching the document
* during the sync XHR event loop, so all the element/node events should be safe. If we
* find an event that has defaults on Gecko's side and isn't delayed by Gecko, we need
* to figure out a way to handle it...
* For details (and bunch of problems to consider) see: https://bugzil.la/697151
- window->base.outer_window->readystate_locked++;
- window->blocking_depth++;
- thread_data->blocking_depth++;
- nsres = nsIXMLHttpRequest_Send(nsxhr, nsbody);
It's a bit weird to do that call here, maybe we should instead expose block and unblock functions from task.c and leave XHR details out of it.