I'd also like to see the result of getsockname() on all tested paths.
On Windows, `getsockname` returns -1 with `WSAEINVAL` when called on an AF_UNIX socket. However, the paths you delineate are all valid to `bind` to.
What protocol do these sockets actually have? I.e. what does SO_PROTOCOL_INFO return for them? 0 is usually a wildcard.
Windows returns the following: ``` dwServiceFlags1: 0x00020026 // (XP1_GUARANTEED_DELIVERY | XP1_GUARANTEED_ORDER | XP1_IFS_HANDLES) dwServiceFlags2: <reserved> dwServiceFlags3: <reserved> dwServiceFlags4: <reserved> dwProviderFlags: 8 ProviderId: <GUID> dwCatalogEntryId: 1007 ProtocolChain: { ChainLen: 1, ChainEntries: { 0 } } iVersion: 2 iAddressFamily: 1 iMaxSockAddr: 110 iMinSockAddr: 2 iSocketType: 1 iProtocol: 0 iProtocolMaxOffset: 0 iNetworkByteOrder: 0 iSecurityScheme: 0 dwMessageSize: 0 dwProviderReserved: <reserved> szProtocol: AF_UNIX ```