On Tue Feb 21 16:29:02 2023 +0000, Konstantin Romanov wrote:
I left dynamic loading just because of Apple support which was in Mounir's original version. I also added __wine_unix_call_wow64_funcs implementation, but found that actual calling of these functions does not happen. I also made sure that the current code works correctly in wow64, with the i386 version of libpcsclite1 on the system. Since your implementation is of better quality, probably my version should be discarded. However, I suggest to take the above mentioned setup for tests based on virt_cacard. As you know, three events happen during testing at which further testing makes no sense:
- pcscd is not running
- no card readers are available, you can solve this by installing vsmartcard-vpcd
- there is no card in any of the readers, solve with virt_cacard
Alright, I'll look at including your tests and adding macOS support after my MR is merged.