Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/winewayland.drv/opengl.c:
/* It's fine to destroy the wayland surface, the client surface
* can safely outlive it. */
- }
- if (!gl->client) goto err;
- gl->wl_egl_window = wl_egl_window_create(gl->client->wl_surface,
client_width, client_height);
- if (!gl->wl_egl_window)
- {
ERR("Failed to create wl_egl_window\n");
goto err;
- }
- gl->surface = p_eglCreateWindowSurface(egl_display, egl_configs[format - 1],
(EGLNativeWindowType)gl->wl_egl_window, NULL);
Do we even need to care about the actual surface pixel format? Same question for the contexts, can we leverage `EGL_KHR_no_config_context` to make things simpler?
This is an open question, I have no good understanding of what it actually implies but reading that extension description (and as far as I could see it seems to be available for Mesa and NVidia drivers), it looks like it could reduce the dependency on the host?