Francisco Casas (@fcasas) commented about tests/uav-out-param.shader_test:
RWTexture2D<float4> u;
-void func(inout float4 f) +void func(out float4 f) {
- f.xz += 0.1;
- f.x = 0.1;
- f.y = 0.2;
- f.z = 0.3;
- f.w = 0.4;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main() { func(u[uint2(0, 0)].yzwx);
Seems that this is another case of discrepancy between the behavior of fxc 9.29 and fxc 10.1. The test being deleted in this patch worked for me using the latter (profile `cs_5_0`) so, at least in principle, I don't think it should be deleted.