Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/mf/tests/transform.c:
- /* Input type attributes should match output type attributes. */
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(to_set_attributes); ++i)
- {
winetest_push_context("attr %lu", i);
memcpy(type_desc, input_type_desc, sizeof(input_type_desc));
set_attribute_desc(type_desc, &to_set_attributes[i], 1);
check_mft_set_input_type(transform, type_desc, MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE);
- }
- /* Output info cbSize will change if we change output type attributes. */
- memcpy(type_desc, output_type_desc, sizeof(output_type_desc));
- set_attribute_desc(type_desc, to_set_attributes, ARRAY_SIZE(to_set_attributes));
- check_mft_set_output_type(transform, type_desc, S_OK);
- check_mft_get_output_stream_info(transform, S_OK, &expect_output_info[1]);
Similar comment here, and it may also be good to test only one attribute change at a time, to see which one have an effect on the output size.