Esme Povirk (@madewokherd) commented about dlls/mlang/tests/linebreakconsole.c:
- LCID locale = 1024;
- UINT uCodePage;
- CHAR *pszSrc = malloc(100);
- LONG cchMax = 20;
- LONG cMaxColumns;
- LONG cchLine, cchSkip;
- HRESULT res;
- cMaxColumns = 10;
- uCodePage = CP_UNICODE;
- strcpy(pszSrc, "Ś†rińg Wi†h Póliśh ćharacterś");
- res = IMLangLineBreakConsole_BreakLineA(mlbc, locale, uCodePage, pszSrc, cchMax, cMaxColumns, &cchLine, &cchSkip);
- todo_wine ok(res == E_FAIL, "got %08lx\n", res);
- todo_wine ok(cchLine == 0, "got %li\n", cchLine);
- ok(cchSkip == 0, "got %li\n", cchSkip);
Should probably initialize these variables, in case Wine isn't setting them and this tests uninitialized data (which might sometimes be 0 and sometimes not).